Storage & Disaster Recovery

We provide data protection solutions solution

Storage & Disaster Recovery

  • We provide data protection solutions solution that uses asynchronous real time & scheduled replication to provide cost effective Disaster Recovery & High Availability capability for Microsoft, exchange, Microsoft SQL server oracle, Microsoft IIS web servers & any other custom application on both 32 and 64 bit windows servers.
  • We also provide comprehensive, distributed storage management solution for distributed and multiplatform environments. These solutions can back up and restore data from all the machines on network, (including machines running Windows, UNIX, NetWare, and Linux) using optional client agents providing media and device management utilities which supports from small-scale and large-scale enterprise environments comprising of one machine or many, across different platforms and organizations.

Recovery Management

The costs of failure to do this are high. A study of 80 large organizations by Infonetics Research found that overall downtime costs averaged an astounding 3.6% of annual revenue. And research by Creative Networks, Inc. has shown that Microsoft Exchange downtime can also easily cost thousands of dollars per hour in a mid-sized organization.

On another end of the spectrum are the potential costs of legal exposure arising from losses of data covered by legislation like HIPAA or Sarbanes-Oxley. Speed is less an issue here, but the cost of losing the information entirely could be devastating.

Business Continuity Planning

Replication software is a data protection solution that uses asynchronous real-time replication to provide cost-effective Disaster Recovery capabilities. The asynchronous data replication is performed over LAN, the Internet or WAN, so long as all participating servers have the required software installed and TCP connections between them. Replication software allows the replication of databases and other files from a production or Master server to one or more local or geographically distant Replica servers. The Disaster Recovery capabilities offer rapid data recovery, integrated continuous data protection as a guard against data corruption, and completely non-disruptive automatic testing of your Disaster Recovery system. The replication process requires first setting up a valid replication scenario. Then, synchronization between the Master and Replicas data is preformed, and once the Master and Replica servers have an identical set of data, the replication process starts. After the replication process has commenced, at any given time the data may be retrieved. The Replication software Manager assists in the process, and also in monitoring both the replication and the retrieval of data.

Storage Management:

Backup software is a comprehensive, distributed storage management solution for distributed and multiplatform environments. The application can back up and restore data from all the machines on your network, (including machines running Windows, UNIX, NetWare, and Linux) using optional client agents. Backup also provides media and device management utilities.

Backup offers control from one management console. It can support small-scale and large-scale enterprise environments comprising of one machine or many, across different platforms and organizations.